Iron Ore Exports will drop from Goa Iron Ore Exports will drop from Goa Iron Ore Exports will drop from Goa - OrePlus Exports

Iron Ore Exports will drop from Goa

The export of Iron Ore from Goa, India may drop this year due to the strict rule and regulation introduced by the Government after the investigation by Shah Commission which is appointed by Supreme Court of India.
Lots of mines in Goa are already served with suspension notices. The State Government has already restricted the export of Old dumps of Iron Ore in Goa. The old dumps are huge stocks of low grade iron ore which are lying near mining sites or private plots in Goa.
These heaps and mountains of iron ore were created when only high grade iron ore was sourced from Goa. Now these dumps are being exported as these dumps fetch good international values.
The CM of Goa is already facing the charges of abetting illegal mining in Goa. After the submission of the Shah Commission report the party head will decide whether CM will lead the Congress as Chief Minister in the coming elections.
PAC (Public Account Committee0 has already provided Shah Commission with the material evidence of illegal mining in the state. Goa, with only five percent of the total reserves of iron Ore exports the forty percent of total iron ore export from India.
Last Financial year Goa has exported fifty four million tons of iron ore from the state.