Portable Mobile Crusher for Iron Ore | Rental Services Portable Mobile Crusher for Iron Ore | Rental Services Portable Mobile Crusher for Iron Ore | Rental Services - OrePlus Exports

Portable Mobile Crusher for Iron Ore | Rental Services

Crushers are required for crushing and screening of raw mined iron ore which is commonly known as ROM which is in size of 00mm to 200-400mm.
The Iron Ore which is required to be crushedand screened to obtain sizes of 00mm to 04mm (Dust / Fines) and 05mm to 20mm which is Calibrated Iron Ore (CLO).

For this entire process we provide the solution by introducing our rental services. Our Rental services includes the complete solution for crushing and screening of raw Iron Ore (ROM) providing the crushed and screened sizes which can be directly utilized by the factory.

Our Rental service includes the rental of crushing plant (main crusher) along with one number excavator and one number wheel loader. The excavator is used for feeding the crusher and wheel loader is used for loading the crushed material to client’s trucks.

Iron Ore Crushers and Screening on Rent

The only remaining scope of work in client’s account is to provide us with the stock of raw iron ore which has to be crushed and screened along with place where the crusher can be installed along with lodging place for our operators and staff.
The portable mobile crusher provided by us is power backed with Diesel operated generators and can be operated with in the stock yard and doesn’t requires any fix installations.

The rental services are available on per ton crushing charge basis, which will include the crusher and machinery rent, operations, handling, maintenance and fuel.

If you have any requirements, kindly do contact us with your complete requirement details. We will be grateful to provide you with the best solution with in your budget.