India is third largest supplier of Iron Ore and the ore is available from lower Fe Content to Higher Fe Content.
Most of the low grade / Low Fe Content Iron Ore is Exported in form of fines, lumps and ROM.
Cureently huge stocks of iron ore is lying as waste dumps which were recovered during mining process and got mixed up or contaminated with other impurities. These waste dumps are lying in huge stocks around the mining regions in India. These dumps can be processed and valuable iron ore can be recovered for export purposes. Some waste dumps contains high grade iron ore boulders also which were were in past were not accepted for metal processing but with the modification of steel making technology and other applications of iron ore in various industries, these low grade and high grade iron ore can be process / recyled and supplied.
These mines waste dumps recycling and processing can resolve various issues like
- These mining waste dumps require huge land area.
- The Mining Dumps create huge impact on ecosystem as it polluted land, air and water.
- These Waste Dumps also result in Slope Failures
- Proper designing of the waste dumps to be done and managed at an extra cost to save life of men, machinery and hauling trucks
- For more dumps more land is required along with re-handling, high transport cost, which results to increase in actual mining cost.
With modern technology these dumps can be processed and valuable ores can be recovered which is having a good demand in Internation Markets.
Raghu R Naik
Naik13 at gmail dot com
Raghu R Naik